Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I had today off so I made myself one of my favorite breakfasts, an omelette! A little crumble of free range bacon, a slice of Swiss cheese, sliced tomatoes on the side and a cup of coffee. Scrumptious.

Since the majority of my omelette eating experience has been in diners, I used Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Cookbook as a guide. I have never been great with eggs, they really elude me. Especially if I want to add stuff like veggies, the end result is usually to liquidy. Jamie's cookbook's are great, very easy going.

This really held me over until dinner which consisted of a really fabulous BLT (left-over bacon) on sprouted grain bread and organic tomato bisque. ( not homemade from scratch unfortunately), for dessert I had a single serving Cherry Garcia.

I can't say that I noticed any miraculous recoveries from any of the things I usually feel in a day, but what I did notice was a connection to my day that I didn't feel just yesterday. A connection to myself, by taking care of myself in a very simple way. It was very interesting and I almost didn't buy it for a minute but there it was.

More next time.

Thanks for checking in. : )


  1. Incomparable!! That be you!!

    Can't wait to sample some of these scrumptrulescent culinary deeeeeeelights!!!

    Much Love and Adoration

  2. You forgot to add the hot sauce to your omelette!

    You can do this, Ralphie :)
